Website-Single Store


We can create a site that is simple to navigate and has all the features that will hopefully fit your needs and address your personal or organization’s  goals

Website with Appointment Booking System Package:

  • Fully-Functional Wordpress Website
  • Landing Page
  • Basic Pages
    • Home Page
    • About
    • Gallery
    • Services
    • Shop/Store
    • Contact Page
  • Initial website set-up
  • Client Reply Form
  • Basic Editing Tutorials
  • Chat Support


  1. Fee does not include domain registration, Hosting, articles , graphics(logo) and photos
  2. A Project brief will be sent to the client which will include Terms and Conditions and contract.

Webdesign by : , an Affiliate of Dentistangpinoy

We can create a site that is simple to navigate and has all the features that will hopefully fit your needs and address your personal or organization’s  goals

Website -Single Store Package:

  • Fully-Functional WordPress Website
  • Landing Page
  • Basic Pages
    1. Home Page
    2. About
    3. Gallery
    4. Services
    5. Shop/Store 
    6. Contact Page
  • Initial website set-up
  • Client Reply Form
  • Basic Editing Tutorials
  • Chat Support

Website Design and Setup


  • work with client to create a custom website interface – layout, colors, and fonts
  • set up website architecture and navigation system
  • implement logo placement and design
  • create website mirror for beta testing purposes
  • organize content management system
  • Website with 5-6 Main Pages


  1. Preliminary Design

We will provide a preliminary design concept for the new website. That design concept will include the basic layout, color palette, font choices, etc.

You can at that point request one – three rounds of design revisions within the scope of the Fee Schedule (this will be sent to the client at the start of the project or a copy of Project brief may be sent in advance prior ordering). If more revisions are deemed necessary, additional work will be discussed fully before any other fees are assessed.

  1. Training and Support

We will run a one-hour (once per week for the next 3-4 weeks ) training session and support with you/your representative , showing how to use the Content Management System (CMS). This can be done onsite or online. 

  1. Launch

We will be using our hosting for the preliminary design and will move the design to actual website when all is ready and you are satisfied with the final product, thereby making the site go live.


  1. Fee does not include domain registration, Hosting, articles , graphics(logo) and photos
  2. A Project brief will be sent to the client which will include Terms and Conditions and contract.

Webdesign by : , an Affiliate of Dentistangpinoy

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